Exploring Medicines
Discover how a variety of medicinal preparations have been made through the centuries and the essential pharmaceutical equipment used.
Shop Round ‘AQ: CINNAM.’
Pharmacists used glass shop rounds to store their various medicines and medicinal ingredients. This particular bottle, labelled ‘AQ: CINNAM.’, was used to store ‘Aqua Cinnamomi’ ...
Spongia Usta, c1745-1807
Glass jar containing specimens of burnt sponge (Euspongia officinalis). From the Burges Collection. Text on paper labels reads ‘Catal. Mat. Med. p. 117. No. 73’ and ‘SPONGIA ...
Spongiae Lapides, c1745-1807
Glass specie jar containing specimens of concretions from sponges. From the Burges Collection. Text on paper contents label reads ‘Catal. mat. med. p. 117. No. 80. Spongiae ...
Staffordshire Bear’s Grease Jug – Napoleonic Bear Design
This unusual Staffordshire pottery jug was originally used for storing bear’s grease, a hair restoring pomade. The seated bear grasps in its forepaws a ...
Struthionis Ovvorum Testae, c1745-1807
Glass specie jar containing specimens of ostrich egg shells. From the Burges Collection. Text on paper contents label reads ‘[Catal. mat. me]d. p. 188. No. 174. ...
Superior White Felt Bunion Plasters, 1950-1970
Superior White Felt Bunion Plasters and cardboard packaging. The box contains two thick size superior white felt bunion plasters. The yellow label shows a handwritten ...
Terra Sigillata medicinal clay bowls
These two bowls are made from Terra Sigillata (Sealed Earth) medicinal clay. The mineral rich clay was believed during the Renaissance to have medicinal properties ...
Terra Sigillata Silesiae, c1745-1807
Glass specie jar with glass lid and paper label, containing specimen of sealed earth (Terra sigillat. Silesiae). From the Burges Collection. Label on body of ...
Testae Mytuli, c1745-1807
Glass specie jar, with glass lid and paper contents label, containing three specimens of mussel shells. From the Burges Collection. Text on paper contents label ...
Testae Ostreae, c1745-1807
Glass specie jar, with glass lid and paper contents label, containing specimens of oyster shells. From the Burges Collection. Text on paper contents label reads ‘...