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English Delftware Drug Jar: Apollo and Peacocks, around 1675-1700

© 2021 Royal Pharmaceutical Society


In the ‘Apollo and peacocks’ design of drug jar Apollo’s head is centrally placed above the contents label. Apollo is the Roman god of medicine and healing. A straight cartouche forms the contents label, flanked either side by peacocks. Below the contents label, in the centre, is an angel’s head, above a pair of wings. The bottom of the contents label is also decorated with swags and tassels.

The inscription on this wet drug jar ‘S E ROSIS SICC’ reveals the jar was used for storing Syrupus e rosis siccis, Syrup of dried roses.
The jar was manufactured in Southwark, London around 1675-1700.

The ‘Apollo and peacocks’ design was used on English Delftware drug jars from around 1675-1700.


Apollo, the Roman god of medicine and healing, is the central figure in the coat of arms of the Worshipful Society of Apothecaries of London, founded in 1617.