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‘Extraordinary Effects of the Vegetable Pills on a Tailor’, c1830-1840

© 2021 Royal Pharmaceutical Society


Framed and mounted coloured lithograph, entitled ‘EXTRAORDINARY EFFECTS OF THE VEGETABLE PILLS ON A TAILOR, WHO HAVING CABBAGED TO A GREAT EXTENT, WAS TAKEN ILL AND AFTER SWALLOWING 130 BOXES OF THE AFORESAID PILLS, PRESENTE THE ABOVE PHENOMENON!!’, designed and lithographed by Charles Jameson Grant, publisher and date unknown, circa 1830-1840.

The scene is set in a bedroom. A man wearing a nightcap and nightgown is leaning back in a chair. He looks aghast at the large cabbage sprouting from the end of his nose. A woman, wearing a cap, spectacles and apron, approaches the man brandishing a large carving knife; as if to cut the cabbage from his nose.