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Moschus Sinensis, c1745-1807

© 2021 Royal Pharmaceutical Society


Glass jar containing specimen of musk pod of the Siberian Musk Deer which was used to treat hysteria, epilepsy and tetanus. From the Burges Collection.

Text on paper labels reads ‘Catal. Mat. Med. p. 128, no. 84’ and ‘MOSCHUS SINENSIS’.

Pomet, in his Compleat History of Druggs, says of musk: ‘It fortifies the Heart and Brain, refreshes the decay’d Spirits; it resists Poison, discusses and rarifies gross Humours, increases Seed, and expels Wind. The Dose is from half a Grain to four Grains. It is good for Deafness, being put into the ear, with a little Cotton. They apply it to the Womb, to allay the Vapours in hysterical Fits, upon the rising of the Womb, called the Mother.’