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‘The Tooth Ache, or, Torment & Torture’, 1823

© 2021 Royal Pharmaceutical Society


Framed and mounted hand coloured etching, entitled ‘THE TOOTH ACHE, OR, TORMENT & TORTURE.’, designed by anon, etched by Thomas Rowlandson, and published by John Fairburn in 1823.

A seated lady patient throws out her arms in alarm as a burly dentist probes her mouth with a stubby finger. By her side his boy assistant stands ready with a bowl and forceps. Beyond the counter an old woman with tooth ache enters.

A sign on the background wall reads: “BARNABY FACTOTUM. Draws Teeth. Bleeds & Shaves. WIGS made here, also Sausages. Wash Balls. black Puddings. Scotch Pills. Powder for the Itch. Red Herrings. Breeches Balls and small Beer by the maker IN UNTRUMQUE”. Hanging in the background is a bird in cage and a pair of wigs on hooks.